Course Registration
Emergency Courses |
Start Date | Course | Section | Instructor | Class Dates | Cost |
2025-02-10 | ADVANCED FIRE FIGHTER (FFII) | 729262 | M. Morrissey, K. DiPilla, J. Bynum | 2/10/2025 1800-2200 3/6/2025 1800-2200 2/13/2025 1800-2200 3/9/2025 0800-1700 2/16/2025 0800-1700 3/13/2025 1800-2200 2/20/2025 1800-2200 3/20/2025 1800-2200 2/27/2025 1900-2200 |
$500.00 |
This program will prepare the candidate who desires to certify as a Fire Fighter II to take the Pro-Board test. “Prerequisites: Interior Firefighter (ELIF), or Essentials of Firefighting w/ SBS, or Fire Fighter I Certification. Minimum age: 18 years old at start of course”. (NIMS IS 100, 200 FF-1 Certification Haz-Mat Ops, Vehicle Rescue Operations Level) Please refer to FFII Certification Application for Accepted Alternatives) Referenced Text(s): Essentials of Fire Fighting, Seventh Edition by International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) Course Goal: Upon successful completion a seasoned entry level firefighter shall be equipped with basic knowledge, skills, and abilities as they relate to advanced fire ground operations. Course Description: This entry level course is designed to introduce seasoned firefighters to advanced fire ground operations including Building Construction, Fire Safety Surveys/Fire and Life Presentation, Generators, Lighting Equipment, Technical Rescue, Fire Protection Systems, Service Testing of Hose, Combustible Gas and Liquid Fire Control, Foam, Coordinating Fire Ground Operations Communications, and Cause and Origin. This is the fifth of five levels (courses) in the curriculum. Description of Methodology: This course includes lecture, interactive discussion, practical skills and a written evaluation. Student Equipment & Supplies: Pen/Pencil, Notebook; Supported reference material and skill book (Must remain in possession of student until the end of all levels); helmet, gloves, turnout coat, turnout pants, boots, protective hood, and protective eyewear (safety glasses or goggles), and SCBA required for all classes. The candidate must be currently certified to FFI. At the completion of the course the candidate will be offered the Pro-Board test. Candidates will be required to submit a completed Fire Fighter II Application from the Pennsylvania Voluntary Fire Service Certification Program 4 weeks prior to the completion of the course. |
Start Date | Course | Section | Instructor | Class Dates | Cost |
2025-02-11 | ENTRY LEVEL FIRE FIGHTER (FFI) | 729254 | Joseph M Lombardo Jr | 2/11/2025 1800-2200 Through 5/20/2025 0800-1700 |
Members of Delaware County Volunteer Departments $1,300.00 Out of County or non volunteers $1,900.0 |
Beginning Tuesday February 11th the class runs every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Tuesday and Thursday classes run from 1800-2200 Saturday classes run from 0800-1700 |
Start Date | Course | Section | Instructor | Class Dates | Cost |
2025-03-10 | EMERGENCY VEHICLE DRIVER TRAINING | 729264 | Gordon Pippin | 3/10/2025 1800-2200 3/12/2025 1800-2200 3/16/2025 0800-1700 |
125.00 |
Course Goal: The goal of this program is to stimulate the thought processes of the students and to make them aware of the potential tragedy, financial loss, legal, and moral responsibilities that they have when operating emergency vehicles. The program will verify proficiency in both the knowledge and understanding of, as well as, the practical application to emergency vehicle driving. Description of Course: Sadly, a large proportion of emergency responder deaths and injuries occur as a result of motor vehicle accidents involving emergency response vehicles. This course is suitable for both novice and veteran emergency vehicle operators. Consisting of 8 hours of classroom and 8 hours of driving on a competency course, it will teach, reinforce, and review those issues and skills needed by anyone who operates a motor vehicle in responding to an emergency. The Emergency Services Training Center does not provide vehicles for student use. �The drivers should successfully complete this course and demonstrate competency in operating each type of vehicle they are expected to drive prior to operating the vehicle in an emergency response mode.�(from the PSFA Course description) |
Start Date | Course | Section | Instructor | Class Dates | Cost |
2025-04-07 | PUMP OPREATIONS I | 729269 | R. Sparks | 4/7/2025 1800-2200 4/9/2025 1800-2200 4/12/2025 0800-1700 |
$100.00 |
This course provides the fire fighter with an introduction to basic pump construction and theory as well as operating techniques in this course. Emphasis is placed on getting water to the pump, getting water from the pump for hose streams, and prevention of common mistakes in pump operations. Student will need: TOG PREREQUISITE: ELFG |
Start Date | Course | Section | Instructor | Class Dates | Cost |
2025-04-15 | TRUCK COMPANY OPERATIONS I | 729289 | Dennis Gallagher | 4/15/2025 1800-2200 4/17/2025 1800-2200 4/22/2025 1800-2200 4/27/2025 0800-1700 |
$250.00 |
Course Length: 16 Hours Lecture/Lab Breakdown: 8/8 Prerequisites: ELIF or EBM Referenced Text(s): Current editions of the following IFSTA manuals (or equivalent publications): Essentials of Fire Fighting; Building Construction; Forcible Entry; Ground Ladder Practices; Safety; Salvage Practices Course Goal: The student will be introduced to the basic concept of truck company operations as part of an organized, coordinated structural fire suppression operation. Course Description: Truck companies, regardless of whether they arrive on an aerial device, squad, or engine, are the �combat engineers� of fire attack operations. This course, for experienced fire fighters, will introduce the student to the basic concept of truck company operations and duties, including organizing the delivery of truck company services, selection and use of key tools, advanced ventilation and forcible entry theory and practices, search and rescue, and other fire attack support functions. |
Start Date | Course | Section | Instructor | Class Dates | Cost |
2025-04-21 | PUMP OPERATIONS II | 729271 | R. Sparks | 4/21/2025 1800-2200 4/23/2025 1800-2200 4/27/2025 0800-1700 |
$100.00 |
Prerequisites: PUOP Description of Course: This course is designed to instruct the student in advanced techniques of operating pumps. Topics covered include friction loss, relay pumping, master streams, elevated master streams. Referenced Texts: IFSTA Fire Department Pumping Apparatus - 7th edition, IFSTA 106 Fire Apparatus Practices - 6th edition, Fire Engineering - "Fire Service Pump Operators Handbook", Warren E Isman, NFPA 1002 Fire Service Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications Course Goal: This course will introduce the student to advanced concepts and methods of fire pump operation. |
Start Date | Course | Section | Instructor | Class Dates | Cost |
2025-05-05 | ENGINE COMPANY OPERATIONS | 729290 | Dennis Gallagher | 05/05/2025 1800-2200 05/07/2025 1800-2200 05/12/2025 1800-2200 05/18/2025 0800-1700 at the West Chester Training Grounds |
$375.00 |
16 Hr Course PPE & SCBA needed all days Course Objectives (specific): Upon successful completion of this course, the student will: 1. Define an incipient fire; rollover; flashover; a fuel limited fire; an oxygen limited fire; backdrafts and other terms relating to fire behavior and tell how each impacts on fire spread in a structure. 2. Identify at least two means of estimating fire flow requirements. 3. Explain the relationship existing between pump sizes, hoseline sizes, and nozzle sizes and their impact on ultimate fire flow. 4. Define the considerations necessary for laying out and equipping a multi-function engine company. 5. Identify the manning requirements for operating an engine company and establish riding position assignments. 6. Demonstrate proficiency by operating as a member of a wagon company and an engine company in various single/two/multiple piece company operations. |
Start Date | Course | Section | Instructor | Class Dates | Cost |
2025-05-19 | EMERGENCY VEHICLE DRIVER TRAINING | 729265 | G. Pippin | 5/19/2025 1800-2200 5/21/2025 1800-2200 5/24/2025 0800-1700 |
$100.00 |
Course Goal: The goal of this program is to stimulate the thought processes of the students and to make them aware of the potential tragedy, financial loss, legal, and moral responsibilities that they have when operating emergency vehicles. The program will verify proficiency in both the knowledge and understanding of, as well as, the practical application to emergency vehicle driving. Description of Course: Sadly, a large proportion of emergency responder deaths and injuries occur as a result of motor vehicle accidents involving emergency response vehicles. This course is suitable for both novice and veteran emergency vehicle operators. Consisting of 8 hours of classroom and 8 hours of driving on a competency course, it will teach, reinforce, and review those issues and skills needed by anyone who operates a motor vehicle in responding to an emergency. The Emergency Services Training Center does not provide vehicles for student use. �The drivers should successfully complete this course and demonstrate competency in operating each type of vehicle they are expected to drive prior to operating the vehicle in an emergency response mode. |
Start Date | Course | Section | Instructor | Class Dates | Cost |
2025-07-21 | EMERGENCY VEHICLE DRIVER TRAINING | 729266 | G. Pippin | 7/21/2025 1800-2200 7/23/2025 1800-2200 7/26/2025 0800-1700 |
$100.00 |
Course Goal: The goal of this program is to stimulate the thought processes of the students and to make them aware of the potential tragedy, financial loss, legal, and moral responsibilities that they have when operating emergency vehicles. The program will verify proficiency in both the knowledge and understanding of, as well as, the practical application to emergency vehicle driving. Description of Course: Sadly, a large proportion of emergency responder deaths and injuries occur as a result of motor vehicle accidents involving emergency response vehicles. This course is suitable for both novice and veteran emergency vehicle operators. Consisting of 8 hours of classroom and 8 hours of driving on a competency course, it will teach, reinforce, and review those issues and skills needed by anyone who operates a motor vehicle in responding to an emergency. The Emergency Services Training Center does not provide vehicles for student use. �The drivers should successfully complete this course and demonstrate competency in operating each type of vehicle they are expected to drive prior to operating the vehicle in an emergency response mode. |
Start Date | Course | Section | Instructor | Class Dates | Cost |
2025-09-22 | EMERGENCY VEHICLE DRIVER TRAINING | 729267 | G. Pippin | 9/22/2025 1800-2200 9/24/2025 1800-2200 9/27/2025 0800-1700 |
$100.00 |
Course Goal: The goal of this program is to stimulate the thought processes of the students and to make them aware of the potential tragedy, financial loss, legal, and moral responsibilities that they have when operating emergency vehicles. The program will verify proficiency in both the knowledge and understanding of, as well as, the practical application to emergency vehicle driving. Description of Course: Sadly, a large proportion of emergency responder deaths and injuries occur as a result of motor vehicle accidents involving emergency response vehicles. This course is suitable for both novice and veteran emergency vehicle operators. Consisting of 8 hours of classroom and 8 hours of driving on a competency course, it will teach, reinforce, and review those issues and skills needed by anyone who operates a motor vehicle in responding to an emergency. The Emergency Services Training Center does not provide vehicles for student use. The drivers should successfully complete this course and demonstrate competency in operating each type of vehicle they are expected to drive prior to operating the vehicle in an emergency response mode. |
Start Date | Course | Section | Instructor | Class Dates | Cost |
2025-10-06 | PUMP OPREATIONS I | 729270 | R. Sparks | 10/6/2025 1800-2200 10/8/2025 1800-2200 10/12/2025 0800-1700 |
$100.00 |
This course provides the fire fighter with an introduction to basic pump construction and theory as well as operating techniques in this course. Emphasis is placed on getting water to the pump, getting water from the pump for hose streams, and prevention of common mistakes in pump operations. Student will need: TOG PREREQUISITE: ELFG |
Start Date | Course | Section | Instructor | Class Dates | Cost |
2025-10-20 | PUMP OPERATIONS II | 729272 | R. Sparks | 10-20-2025 1800-2200 10/22/2025 1800-2200 10/26/2025 0800-1700 |
$100.00 |
Prerequisites: PUOP Description of Course: This course is designed to instruct the student in advanced techniques of operating pumps. Topics covered include friction loss, relay pumping, master streams, elevated master streams. Referenced Texts: IFSTA Fire Department Pumping Apparatus - 7th edition, IFSTA 106 Fire Apparatus Practices - 6th edition, Fire Engineering - "Fire Service Pump Operators Handbook", Warren E Isman, NFPA 1002 Fire Service Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications Course Goal: This course will introduce the student to advanced concepts and methods of fire pump operation. |
Start Date | Course | Section | Instructor | Class Dates | Cost |
2025-11-17 | EMERGENCY VEHICLE DRIVER TRAINING | 729268 | G. Pippin | 11/17/2025 1800-2200 11/19/2025 1800-2200 11/22/2025 0800-1700 |
$100.00 |
Course Goal: The goal of this program is to stimulate the thought processes of the students and to make them aware of the potential tragedy, financial loss, legal, and moral responsibilities that they have when operating emergency vehicles. The program will verify proficiency in both the knowledge and understanding of, as well as, the practical application to emergency vehicle driving. Description of Course: Sadly, a large proportion of emergency responder deaths and injuries occur as a result of motor vehicle accidents involving emergency response vehicles. This course is suitable for both novice and veteran emergency vehicle operators. Consisting of 8 hours of classroom and 8 hours of driving on a competency course, it will teach, reinforce, and review those issues and skills needed by anyone who operates a motor vehicle in responding to an emergency. The Emergency Services Training Center does not provide vehicles for student use. The drivers should successfully complete this course and demonstrate competency in operating each type of vehicle they are expected to drive prior to operating the vehicle in an emergency response mode. |
Payment can be made at the first class by money order, debit or credit card.
To register for class:
Phone 610-237-8630
Fax 610-583-8402
Mail to:
Calcon Hook & Tribbet Avenue
Sharon Hill, PA 19079